Tres contra Tres

Una manera más de espantar a los malos augurios plantando cara. Trece canciones en un toma y daca, ataque y contraataque. Vosotros ustedes, deciden quien gana.
13 de diciembre de 2005
De 15:00 a 16:00 Radio Círculo 100.4 FM (Madrid) Madrid y
para el resto del mundo en y en nuestro Podcast
NADA SURF "Where Is My Mind" [Always Love Single]
(UK, City Slang, 2005)
DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE "Soul Meets Body" [Palms]
(USA, Atlantic, 2005)
THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS "The Bones Of An Idol" [Twin Cinema]
(USA, Matador, 2005)
YO LA TENGO "Shaker" [Prisioners Of Love, A Smatterng Of Scintillating Senescent Songs]
(USA, Matador, 2005)
LOW "Everybody’s Song" [The Great Destroyer]
(USA, SubPop, 2005)
JOHN PARISH & POLLY JEAN HARVEY "That Was My Veil" [Dance Hall At Louse Point]
(UK, Island, 1996)
ANARI "Sustraiak" [Zebra]
(España, Metak, 2005)
COLDPLAY "Square One" [X & Y]
(UK, Paralophone, 2005)
THE DUKE SPIRIT "Lion Rip" [Cuts Across The Land]
(USA, Loog, 2005)
ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT "Can You Hear It?" [Live From Camp X-Ray ]
(USA, Vagrant, 2002)
Q AND NOT U "Wonderful People" [Power]
(USA, Dischord, 2004)
dEUS "Suds & Soda" [Worst Case Scenario]
(Bélgica, Island, 1994)
SLUTS OF TRUST "Let’s …" [We Are All Sluts Of Trust]
(UK, Chemikal Underground Records, 2005)

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