Actualidad, Actual, Actuel, Aktuell, Actueel, Attuale,

21 de septiembre de 2004
de 15.00 a 16.00 Radio Circulo 100.4 FM para Madrid y
para el resto del mundo en
LAGARTIJA NICK "Fahrenheit 451" [Lo Imprevisto]
(España, LagartijaRecords, 2004)
THE CURE "Never" [The Cure]
(UK, Geffen, 2004)
DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS "Lounger" [Please Describe Yourself]
(UK, v2,2004)
THE MARTINIS "Right Behind You" [Smitten]
(USA, Distracted Records/Cooking Vinyl , 2004)
THE UNFINISHED SYMPATHY "Safe and sound" [Rock for food]
(España, BCore, 2004)
TSUNAMI BOMB "Dawn on a funeral day" [The Definitive Act]
(USA, Kung Fu, 2004)
THE MUFFS "How I pass the time" [Really really happy]
(USA, Subterfuge, 2004)
CAMERA OBSCURA "Keep It Clean" [Keep It Clean EP]
(Escocia, Elefant, 2004)
LOS PLANETAS "Y además es imposible" [Contra la ley de la gravedad]
(España, RCA, 2004)
THE LIBERTINES "Cant Stand Me Now" [The Libertines]
(UK, Sinnamon,2004)
JETTISON "All You Get" [Heat Wave]
(Alemania, Aloud, 2004)
RADIO 4 "Nation" [Stealing of a Nation]
(USA, City Slang, 2004)
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