Actualidad, Actual, Actuel, Aktuell, Actueel, Attuale,

18 de mayo de 2004
de 15.00 a 16.00 Radio Circulo
100.4 FM para Madrid y
para el resto del mundo en
Pixies Where Is My Mind? [Wave Of Mutilation]
(USA, 4AD, 2004)
Patti Smith Stride Of The Mind [Trampin]
(USA, Columbia, 2004)
Standstill Grand Final [Standstill]
(España, B Core, 2004)
Ash Out Of The Blue [Meltdown]
(UK, Infectious. 2004)
Audiokarate Jesus Is Alive And Well... [Lady Melody]
(USA, Kung Fu, 2004)
Habeas Corpus Armamente [Armamente]
(España, Propaganda Pel Fet, 2004)
Hoggboy Get Me Down [7 Miles of Love).]
(UK,Sobriety, 2004)
Zeke Long Train Runnin' [Til' The Livin' End]
(USA, Relapse, 2004)
The Vines Ride [Winning Days]
(Australia, Capitol, 2004)
Chucho Medio Perro [La mente del monstruo]
(España, Sinnamon, 2004)
Maga Astrolabios [Maga]
(España, Limbo Starr, 2004)
Andrés Calamaro Estadio Azteca [El Cantante]
(Argentina, Dro, 2004)
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